What I love about Australia
Just saw this gallery on News.com.au and it reminded me of all the cool things that are great about Australia! :-) - http://www.news.com.au/travel/gallery/0,23607,5037578-5007153,00.html

Cameron is a news, editorial & commercial photographer based in Townsville, northern Australia. He covers Australia, SE Asia and the Pacific for Australian and British newspapers and magazines. Cameron's blog not only includes updates about his current work but also things that inspire, interest and astound him. Enjoy!
Just saw this gallery on News.com.au and it reminded me of all the cool things that are great about Australia! :-) - http://www.news.com.au/travel/gallery/0,23607,5037578-5007153,00.html
Another 'Photo of the Day' with the Apple iPhone 3G.
Posted by
Cameron Laird - Photographer
4:08 pm
It was about 50 degrees inside this engineering complex yesterday when we toured with Qld premier Anna Bligh, she kept her cool though while cameramen and snappers sweated like ....
[click here for fullsize clipping]
15 of the World’s Most Fabulous and Funky Furniture Sets
(Via WebUrbanist.)
Posted by
Cameron Laird - Photographer
8:04 am
Spent the day today chasing the Queensland premier around. 5.30am start too which is a real drag. Anyway, the day started with a run along Townsville's Strand.... and anyone who knows me knows that running isn't my thing as you will see below. Last thing I saw were all the other media racing for Toys R Us on scooter-buying missions!
Posted by
Cameron Laird - Photographer
5:36 pm
Labels: camera, cameras, exercise, government, photographer, premier, run, scooter, state
Even I've surprised myself with this iPhone macro photo I just did. CRAP camera but in the hands of a professional you never know what can happen.... :-)
Posted by
Cameron Laird - Photographer
5:33 pm
Quiet today in Townsville. This is the only pic I took! And with my phone - talk about dull...
Posted by
Cameron Laird - Photographer
6:31 pm
Another fantastic set of pics from Boston Globe's "Big Picture"
(Via The Big Picture.)
Posted by
Cameron Laird - Photographer
7:35 pm
Shot this quick timelapse sequence yesterday to show my kids how it is done. They thought it was VERY cool (excuse the pun!)
Ice Cube's demise from Cameron Laird - Photographer on Vimeo.
Shot this quick timelapse video while racing around the front lawn with the mower before we got even more rain.
A Storm is Coming from Cameron Laird - Photographer on Vimeo.
Spent the day yesterday with the Governer General flitting around north Queensland in a Blackhawk for Australia's NewsLtd sunday papers. Good fun but damn it was hot and humid! [click the pic to view fullsize]
Posted by
Cameron Laird - Photographer
10:20 am
Labels: blackhawk, flood, flooding, governer general, helicopter, newspaper, north queensland, queen, rain
I mentioned my favourite bag on a podcast I was part of last night so I thought I would give anyone who was interested (if anyone would be!) a quick look at the bag and how my standard work kit fits in it.
ThinkTankPhoto Urban Disguise 40 Demonstration from Cameron Laird - Photographer on Vimeo.
Posted by
Cameron Laird - Photographer
8:29 pm
Labels: bag, camera, case, equipment, photographer, photography, thinktankphoto, urban disguise
Ok, so maybe I'm a bit lazy but no-one has seen water like this flowing OVER the weir footbridge! Glendale Drive in Annandale got a show too! [click the pic to view fullsize]
Posted by
Cameron Laird - Photographer
11:44 am
Labels: annandale, flood, footbridge, river, ross river, water, weir