Groundhog day in Bowen
Seems like groundhog day each day now, scenes are filmed over and over and over and ....... But I guess that is how it goes in the movie business. Conner Cruise cruised the streets of Bowen on horseback for the second day in a row - no doubt he will give him Mum a run for her money when they get together for a race. Now that is one horserace I would LOVE to photograph! Hugh Jackman spent a few hours shooting a dusty scene on horseback outside the Territory Hotel and gave me the opportunity to shoot something TOTALLY DIFFERENT to what I have been doing (but I still did something saleable!)
See my "Australia" pictures at
i really really love the atmosphere in the above shot with the drovers! there's such an awesome lighting factor in there coupled with movement....if this isn't what you usually shoot, try your hand at it because you're good!!
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